Dear Friends
January has gone already, and we are now getting ready for our first holiday this year in Pitlochry which is being led by Hilary and Nick Sorrie from Inverurie. We trust it goes well and everyone enjoys the Christian fellowship.
We are getting ready for our Fellowship Day in March and have attached the flier for this event. The price has increased as we are having coffee on arrival and there is a charge to pay for the room. Total cost is £25 – please send the money to our bank account. We are looking forward to meeting you all and hearing your feedback and suggestions.
It is hoped that some members will be happy to participate on the Fellowship Day with favourite bible readings, poems or if you have a favourite hymn, please do let me know. We want this event to include as many people as possible. Please email me if you want to take part:
I have also attached a power point slide and would be grateful if you could ask your church admin to include it for a couple of weeks in their power point slides prior to the Sunday service to promote SONAS.
Bookings are very slow for Bath and Belfast. Please pass the word around! We have also taken down our online payment page as it has caused us much hassle. When paying SONAS please use our bank details which is much more straightforward.
Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to meeting you in March. Blessings to you all,