Elsie Normington_Sonas Christian Holidays

Article written by

Elsie Signature

Elsie Normington is a Sonas Trustee and has devoted her life to the Christian cause and spreading the word of God.

Seasons Greetings To Each and Every One

In this article we wish everyone a wonderful festive period and provide updates on our new website.

We are delighted to announce that our destinations are now live on our web site!

It feels like a huge achievement for us, and I thank my Trustee colleagues for their fantastic efforts in planning and negotiating all venues. Also, a big thanks must go to our Holiday Leaders who have agreed to take on the responsibility of leading each holiday and taking time out of their busy schedules. We are most grateful to them all.

A big mention must also be acknowledged to Doug Mackay our web designer at Inverness Design Studio who has answered so many emails and done numerous changes to get the web site in a format that is suitable. Technology continues to advance, and we are most thankful for his suggestions and invaluable advice. As a result, we are now able to take online payments as well.

So, we are ‘open for business’ and we look forward to seeing all the bookings coming in as there has been considerable interest in SONAS Christian Holidays.

We are planning to have two meetings each year, one Fellowship Day in the springtime and one in November to celebrate all our holidays and hear stories of our many travels.

Season’s Greetings to you all and may you know the joy of the ‘Prince of Peace’ at this time in your lives.

Further Reading

Our New Holiday Club
In this article we discuss our new website and look ahead to some of our plans for 2025, supporting fellow Christians.
Growing Interest in the Charity
In this article we discuss our new charitable status and some of the issues regarding hotel booking for the group.
Sunny Destinations & Scottish Weather
In this article we discuss how fotunate we were to travel to sunnier destinations and provide charity updates.

Providing fellowship, fun & friendship on holiday with other Christians

Sonas Christian Holidays is a registered Scottish Charity no. SC053440 and a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

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