Booking Form

Holiday Booking Form

If you wish to join us on one of our holidays, please fill out your details using the contact form provided.

NOTE: If you are not already a member, please fill out the membership form first.

A deposit of £100 will be required to secure a booking.

Payment instructions will be given after your Holiday Booking form has been submitted.

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Please explain any dietary requirements
Please explain any mobility requirements
Required Room Type
Room Sharing
If travelling on your own, are you willing to share a twin room with another person?
Name of person with whom you intend to share a room
I confirm that I have submitted the Membership Application form and paid the annual subscription
I confirm that I wish to book this holiday and will pay the deposit online within 7 days
I confirm that I am able to look after myself & manage my own luggage
I agree that I will arrange my own travel insurance immediately on receipt of confirmation of my holiday booking
I understand & agree, by typing my name above, to the terms and conditions of SCH

Providing fellowship, fun & friendship on holiday with other Christians

Sonas Christian Holidays is a registered Scottish Charity no. SC053440 and a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

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