Membership Application

Our Purpose

1. To improve the lives of people through participation in Christian fellowship by meeting and learning together.

2. To provide holidays, short breaks and other recreational opportunities in the UK and abroad for those of Christian persuasion

3. To help alleviate isolation and loneliness experienced by reason of age, ill health or other disadvantaged by improving people’s lives through recreation, friendship and travel.

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Please read the following and tick the box to ‘opt in’
Gift Aid:
If you are a taxpayer, we would like you to consider completing the following declaration, which will enable SCH to claim 25p on every pound of the annual subscription and any donations you make. Please note: in each tax year (6 April to 5 April), you must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount of tax that SCH will reclaim on your donations. If you cease to pay sufficient tax, or wish to cancel this declaration for any reason, or change address, please notify us immediately. If you pay Income Tax at the higher rate, you should include all your Gift Aid donations on your tax return in order to receive the additional tax relief due to you.
* I wish to become a member of Sonas Christian Holidays (SCH) and agree to pay the set annual membership fee to the charity by typing my name above:

Book a place

If you wish to book, please click the 'Book a Place' link below to complete our form


Providing fellowship, fun & friendship on holiday with other Christians

Sonas Christian Holidays is a registered Scottish Charity no. SC053440 and a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

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